Wesleyan Core Term

Christian Conferencing

To confer with Christian sisters and brothers can be a means of grace. Together we can study the Scriptures, discuss how best to apply them to our lives, and then hold one another accountable for living faithfully. In this way God can work through the body of Christ. For individuals, this happens best in small groups as we process the decisions we face daily. Such conferring offers some of the best opportunities for growth in faith and action. On a broader level, congregations and whole denominations use Christian conferencing to discern God’s will and make decisions about their lives together. Beginning in 1744, John Wesley gathered preachers together annually for a conference about what to teach, how to teach, and what to do (how to regulate doctrine, discipline, and practice). As a means of grace, such conferences should always be open to the role of the Holy Spirit in shaping our thoughts, actions, and decisions. -Wesley Study Bible (pg 1425)