Scripture Nugget 3.23.2017

Scripture Nugget 3.23.2017


Scripture Read Job 23-24


Nugget Job 23:6b-7, 17

“…No; but he would heed me. There an upright person could reason with him, and I should be acquitted forever by my judge. … If only I could vanish in darkness, and thick darkness would cover my face!”


Devotional thought: Job continues with his mental gymnastics attempting to figure out and explain why these atrocious things have happened to him, while continuing to proclaim his innocence. He is getting tired. He goes from hope to hopelessness. This is a dangerous place for a human to be. Having hope, is a wonderful thing, light shines and there is a way to follow. But if/when the light goes out or is perceived to go out, hopelessness prevails. Oh woe is me, no one loves me, no one cares for me, no one would miss me if I was not here. Thankfully Job’s” friends” are still with him and continue to respond to him. What they say might not be theologically correct and may not ultimately be much help to answer Job’s questions. But, they do keep Job engaged and alive. We are meant for community. With God, Others and ourselves. God loves and forgives, God desires we return that love to Him, share that love with others and believe in that love for our self. God’s love is the light for our lives, walk in that light, live life, life abundant. Check on your friends and neighbors, reach out, share the light. Ask God to identify anyone in your life that you may have abandoned, that may be on the edge of light/life and darkness/death – reach out, make contact share Christ.