Scripture 3.3.2017

Scripture 3.3.2017


Scripture Read Isaiah 45-50


Nugget Isaiah 45:1-8

“Thus says the LORD to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have grasped to subdue nations before him and strip kings of their robes, to open doors before him – and the gates shall not be closed: I will go before you and level the mountains, I will break in pieces the doors of Bronze and cut through the bars of iron, I will give you the treasures of darkness and riches hidden in secret places, so that you may know that it is I, the LORD, the God of Israel, who call you by name. For the sake of my servant Jacob, and Israel my chosen, I call you by your name, I surname you, though you do not now me. I am the LORD, and there is no other; besides me there is no god. I arm you, though you do not know me, so that they may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west, that there is no one besides me; I am the LORD, and there is no other. I form light and create darkness, I make weal and create woe; I the LORD do all these things. Shower, O heavens, from above, and let the skies rain down righteousness; let the earth open, that salvation my spring up, and let it cause righteousness to sprout up also; I the LORD have created it.”


Devotional thought: Woe, Woe, Woe, a friend of mine use to say to get other’s attention. Did you catch this? God calls Cyrus, “His anointed”; Cyrus who does not know God, is called “anointed” (Hebrew “Messiah”, Greek “Christ”), pay attention! God is going to use an unbeliever in a powerful way to set His people free. God says, “I am the LORD, and there is no other; besides me there is no god. I arm you, though you do not know me, so that they may know.” Stop, ask yourself, are you so in tune with God that you would recognize when God is using an improbable person to provide rescue, freedom, redemption, salvation for His people? There is only one God! God loves His creation and desires salvation to spring up, and righteousness to sprout throughout His creation; so much so that He may even use someone who doesn’t know Him to free those who do. Pay attention to what God is doing, listen to Him, expand your world view or you may miss something huge. During this Lenten season, listen to God more attentively, pay attention don’t miss the opportunities He provides, especially when they come from unlikely persons…..